Yarn Cupboard
Yarn Cupboard
6487 East Seneca Tpk
Jamesville NY 13078
Phone: (315) 399-5148
Tue-Wed 10:30am-5:30pm
Thu 12:00pm-7:30pm
Fri 10:30am-5:30pm
Sat 10:00am-4:00pm
Sun-Mon Closed
Welcome tot he Yarn Cupboard. Our philosophy is not just to sell fine yarns but to provide our customers with an emphasis on meeting the demands of the professional and the expectations of the novice.
As a high school student, I worked in a LYS close to home. I routinely handed my paycheck over for my next yarn purchase, much to my mother's horror.
My passion for all handwork came from my grandmother. She was a seamstress but also crocheted and knit. The old saying "the devil makes use of idol hands"seemed to resonate. She was always working on her beautiful handwork. She spent part of everyday sewing, crocheting or knitting. Her creativity gave her a sense of achievement, a generous spirit to share her passion, as well as gifts that were lovingly created. In gentler times before television, radio or even before electricity, knitting was a way of life. In today's world of pressure and stress, knitting or crochet can still provide an escape from our daily chores. It has been proven that knitting and crochet work reduces stress levels and calms the mind.
We believe at Yarn Cupboard, that we go beyond just supplying yarns or providing help. We are here to provide a sense of creativity, self achievement, a sense of sharing and camaraderie.
We are here to help you whether you have been knitting for years of have never picked up a pair of knitting needles. The Yarn Cupboard carries yarns from all over the world- Australia, Italy, Wales, England, Scotland, Peru, Argentina,Turkey, Ireland, Denmark and the USA.
Our goal: stock beautiful yarns to fit every budget.
Let the Yarn Cupboard help you on the journey of discovery.
Copyright © 2009 Yarn Cupboard, Inc.
