The Yarn Shop
The Yarn Shop
1125 Kenny Centre Mall
Columbus OH 43220
Phone: (614) 457-7836
Fax: (800) 859-9276
You can now shop for your favorite products online. Our web site is now available to take your order.
The Yarn Shop, Inc., your source for needlework supplies, is now in it's 30th year of operation. We are conveniently located at 1125 Kenny Centre Mall in Columbus, Ohio or if you live further to the southeast at 1226 Hill Road N in Pickerington, Ohio. For those of you in Columbus or Central Ohio, we offer classes in knitting, crocheting, tatting, and needlepoint.
The Yarn Shop's needlework customers are delighted with our wide variety of quality fiber art supplies including yarns - knitting, crochet and needlepoint, crochet and tatting threads, shuttles and hooks, needles, accessories, patterns, and books.
A wide selection of needlepoint supplies is available in our Columbus location and soon will be available in our online store.
We offer the complete line of Elsa Williams yarn and needles in 40 yard skeins and Paternayan in 8 yard skeins. Hanks of the Paternayan yarn can be special ordered.
Our shop carries Zweigert interlock canvas in 10, 12, 13, 14 and 18 count. We have handpainted, and stamped canvasses from such designers as Carolina Country House, Susan Roberts, Susan Treglown, and Dreammaker. We also carry preworked canvasses such as Four Wives and others. You will also find kits from Elsa Williams, Sunset, Dimensions, Ehrman, Glorifilia, and Catherine Reurs.
© 2010 The Yarn Shop. All rights reserved worldwide.
