The Tangled Skein
The Tangled Skein
217 West Park Row
St. Peter, MN 56082
Regular Hours
(September through May)
Sunday 12 - 4
Monday closed
Tuesday 10 - 8
Wednesday 10 - 5
Thursday 10 - 8
Friday 10 - 5:30
Saturday 10 - 5
Summer Hours
(June, July, and August)
Sunday 12-4
Monday closed
Tuesday 12-8
Wednesday 12-5
Thursday 10-8
Friday 10-5:30
Saturday 10-5
Where do you go when you have a knitting emergency?
How about when you a have a total knitastrophy?
Not only does the Tangled Skein endorse new words in your lexicon, we like to think we create them. "Knitastrophy," however, was coined by knitter/professor/spinning instructor Cheryl Radeloff. What she—or you—might consider a knitting catastrophy, is usually something that the women at the Tangled Skein can either help you fix or embrace as your own personal touch to an otherwise perfect project.
The Tangled Skein is much more than a store. We know that if you are a serious knitter, you don't want to waste your time on low quality fibers or shoddy tools. So, take some time. Contemplate the yarn. Ask us what we think. We tend to tell you what we think because we hope you would do the same for us.
Most importantly, the Tangled Skein wants to you to feel welcome. Share your story with us. Linger at the table. Take a class. If you have ever knit—even a little—you have experienced a tangled skein. It can be twisted and knotty and can make a knitter uptight. At the Tangled Skein Yarn Shop, we take a more relaxed approach. Isn't it better to get untangled with some friends around a table, unwinding from your day, musing about your next project? A few laughs and a couple chocolates later, you'll find yourself with an untwisted, untangled ball of yarn called a skein.
The Tangled Skein's table is for you. It serves to gather a class together. It brings friends together for lunch and some yarn shopping. It gives us room to sprawl out without the worry of little fingers or curious kitten paws to take off with our balls of yarn. So, choose a project, let us wind your yarn, and then sit down and cast on already!
Copyright ©2006 The Tangled Skein All rights reserved.
