The Tall Tale Shop
The Tall Tale Shop
Hwy. 61 / Box 2116
Tofte, MN 55615
As my hours are a bit unusual it's a good idea to call first.
The Tall Tale is a small shop located in Minnesota on the shore of Lake Superior. It's been in existence for about 35 years. I've been involved in it for the last 21 years, at which point it was handed down from my mom. Originally, primarily a yarn shop, a "tall tale" being a yarn, I have also been working in basketry for the past 20 years. My time is equally divided between knitting and basketry. In addition a love of beads is satisfied by incorporating beads into my baskets and knitted kits. Lake Superior is my inspiration and my therapist and lately I've been working driftwood and beach rock into my baskets trying to portray the many moods of the "big lake".
Tomtens, wood fairies and nissas came about from living in an original Tofte homestead and learning the legends of this Norwegian / Swedish community. I moved up here 30 years ago, but I've learned you can never be considered a "local" until your grandmother is buried up in the local cemetery. It is a beautiful and inspiring place to live. I hope the Tall Tale Shop reflects that. In addition to my own work I also search out work from people on the shore and the upper Midwest area. So if you're in the area please stop in and visit my shop. As my hours are a bit unusual it's a good idea to call first.
Mary Jane
