The Needle Works
The Needle Works
1206 W. 38th Street #1107
Austin, Texas 78705
Store Hours:
Tuesday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Saturday 11:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
About Us
Opened in 1978, The Needle Works is Austin, Texas’ oldest established store for fine, hand-painted needlepoint canvas as well as for the largest selection of threads in the Texas Hill Country.
In June of 1997, I purchased the store fulfilling a lifelong ambition to own my own business.
Located in the 26 Doors Shopping Center in heart of Austin and the edge of the magnificent Texas Hill Country, we have grown to 1800 sq. feet. We may be small, but we are always striving to bring you the very best and latest in designs, fibers and toys for your needlepoint enjoyment. The summer after Mom passed away, I moved the shop to another space in the center that is 3400 SF. In June of 2010 we will move again to a 3800 SF building that I will be building. You can check on the progress on our blog.
Medici is our shop cat who adopted us the summer of ’97 and spends his days lounging on my grandmother's antique settee. Sorry Nana.
