The Knitting Zone Inc
The Knitting Zone Inc
487 Cabbage Patch Rd
Lacey's Spring AL 35754
(256) 882-2300
Some of you know that The KnittingZone Inc is the North American distributor of HiyaHiya Knitting Needles. We love these needles and feel they are a super value for knitters and crocheters in North America. Because of our love for HiyaHiya needles and your demand for them, we have made the tough decision to focus our efforts on our wholesale business.
We have begun to dramatically reduce our inventory on so that we can focus our efforts in providing your local yarn store with HiyaHiya products.
Although we are saddened that we will have less direct contact with knitters we are thrilled to be able to provide you with such great products, and, at this time a SUPER SALE!
Our inventory close outs will begin with Books, Patterns and Notions all deeply discounted.
Important notes:
Because of the deep discounts, we will no longer be offering free shipping on any orders.
When we discount yarns, we will ship your order without checking dyelots. If you do not wish to receive mixed dyelots you MUST tell us this in the comment section of your order.
All sales are final. All sales must be conducted on our website. No phone or email orders please.
Downloadable patterns and HiyaHiya needles are excluded from the sale.
If you are not a member of our mailing list you may want to sign up. We'll announce additional sales via the newsletter. Of course you can always just check our website.
Copyright 2010 The Knitting Zone
