Stone Mountain & Daughter Fabrics
Stone Mountain & Daughter Fabrics
Phone: (510) 845-6106
Fax: (510) 845-6114
Toll Free: 1-866-4SEW-FUN

Mon-Fri 10-6:30
Sat 10-6:00
Sun 11-5:30

Stonemountain & Daughter Fabrics is owned by Bob and Suzan Steinberg. This father and daughter team are the third and fourth generations in the fabric industry in the state of California!

Steinberg & Sons was established in 1919 down in Los Angeles. Bob grew up in the family business working with his father, grandfather and uncles.

In 1967 Bob established Bob Steinberg's Fabric Emporium in West Hollywood on Melrose Avenue, where Suzan worked and played as a child. This store was a major change in how fabric was sold on the retail level. It was one of the first natural fiber fabric stores with rooms of imported fabrics from all over the world, including calicos, paisleys and one of the finest collections of prints from India and Africa.

In 1976 Bob moved his family to Pacific Grove on the Monterey Peninsula and opened up Stonemountain Fabrics (Stonemountain is the translation of Steinberg). This was a small, wonderful store where Bob sold the fabrics he purchased from a long-time connection in the apparel industry in Los Angeles. Fabric lovers from all over were very happy to find these garment industry fabrics at great prices.

In 1981 Bob moved the Store to Berkeley, where his oldest daughter Suzan was finishing up at UC Berkeley. Thus Stonemountain & Daughter was born! Three Expansions and twenty five years later, the store has grown into a top fabric and sewing center in Berkeley. It is fun to explore the two floors and three rooms full of ideas and projects waiting to happen! If you can't visit us, click here to find out about our Swatch Service, or to see more pictures of our store.

It's all too obvious that there are fewer and fewer good independent stores of any kind -- especially in the fabric business. Fifteen years ago there were many small fabric stores in every community, and now there are none or few left. The large chains helped to bring about their demise with frequent 30% - 40% off sales. They also started heavily discounting patterns, thereby driving many independents out of business. These giant fabric store chains then couldn't make a profit on the fashion-quality fabrics which they once sold, and now they're focusing on lower end fabrics and CRAFTS. So often we hear, "All I have near me is a large chain store", and we all nod in understanding. Very Sad. So we all need to buy from independently-owned stores whenever possible.

We are grateful to you and the support of our community in helping us to still be here, better than ever!
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