So Much Yarn
So Much Yarn
2107 Elliott Ave Ste 204
Seattle WA 98121
Phone: 206-443-0727
Fax: 206-443-0726
Toll Free: 866-443-0727
Store Hours:
Mon 12-6
Tue 10-8
Wed-Sat 10-6
Sun 12-5
Authentic expression at your fingertips
What is authentic expression? I believe it is the truest expression to the world of who we really are, deep inside. Not the day-to-day definitions such as doctor, parent, computer programmer, spouse, etc., but the spirit that we find if we look quietly into our own hearts. It was beautifully explained in one of my favorite movies, "The Legend of Bagger Vance." Bagger (the caddy) says "Inside each and every one of us is one authentic swing ... something we were born with ... something that can't be taught ... it has to be remembered ..." There is something magical about letting exquisite fibers run through our fingers that helps us do that "remembering." It puts us back in touch with our innate creative spirit that so often has been lost in the busy-ness of today's society. It provides time in our lives where we do sit quietly and reconnect with our Selves.
At So Much Yarn, our mission is to create a joyous atmosphere which nurtures your most authentic expression. From the moment you walk in the door, you will feel welcome and at home. Whether your creative spirit already flows freely, or whether it needs to be coaxed out of hiding, we are excited to help you through excellent, friendly service and through an extensive array of classes and workshops. I like to say that knitting, like life, is a "continuing ed sport" and So Much Yarn will be a place where all of us ... myself, our staff, and all of you fabulous customers and friends, can learn and grow together!
Welcome to our So Much Yarn Online Store! Because we know that it is often difficult to choose something as tactile and creative and yarn over the internet, you are always invited to call us directly to discuss your choices. Our toll free number is 866-443-0727, and we love to be involved in helping you put together a fabulous project. Please also know that due to the fast pace of the yarn industry today, it can be difficult to have stock on hand for our entire inventory list. If we are not able to fill part of your order, we will call you immediately. Many of you have been to our physical location in Seattle, Washington. If not, we hope you can join us in person some day soon, but until then, happy online shopping!
© 2003 - 2010. All Rights Reserved.
