Playing With Yarn
Playing With Yarn
276 Scenic Dr
Knife River MN 55609
Phone: (218) 834-5967
Shop Hours:
Mon/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat 10am-5pm
Sun 12pm-5pm
Tue Closed
Free Knitters Groups:
Mon 6-9
Thu 10-12
Winter came in with a bang! A blizzard on Christmas Eve kept us home and Christmas Day brought us rain and ice while our neighbors just blocks from the Lake got 22 to 24 inches of snow. 2010 started with below zero temps and brisk winds. Real knitting and crochet weather..
We've been busy with new projects, new yarns and new classes. Soon we will start our 11th year in business and still having fun!
Last Spring during Open Knitting this bald eagle flew by the classroom window and landed in an old pine tree in the yard. While many people are eager to see an eagle so close, Yorkie owners have mixed feeling at seeing them. We have at least three nesting pair in our area and they fly over every morning. As soon as the leaves are fall, they will present a problem and the Yorkies girls wouldn't go out without us. It just goes to show that you never know what you will find at Playing With Yarn during Open Knitting.
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