Off The Beaten Path Yarnery
Off The Beaten Path Yarnery
1216 Williamson St
Madison WI 53703
Phone: 608-221-0219
Shop Hours:
Tuesday 11am to 7 pm
Wednesday 11am to 6pm
Thursday 11am to 5 pm
Friday & Saturday 10am to 4pm
Sunday & Monday Closed
Off the Beaten Path Yarnery moved to 1216 Williamson Street in Madison. It is still a tranquil piece of heaven in the city, devoted to furthering the art of knit & crochet. There are yarns, books & tools aplenty; plus, 'Class on Demand.' We feature natural fibers, organics & sustainable yarns in alpaca, bamboo, cashmere, corn, cotton, hemp, linen, milk, mohair, rayon, silk & wool. Hand-dyed yarn is manna from above. We believe in thinking globally & acting locally. Yarns, patterns & related items made by local artists & designers support small business, cooperatives, environmentally responsible mills & eco friendly process. We believe knitting & knitters can change the world!
Our Company
OFF THE BEATEN PATH (OTPB) is a moderate to high-end yarnery located at 1216 Williamson Street after November 1st, 2009. It was located in the original Femrite farmhouse on the corner of Femrite and Roselawn for its first four years; moving to the new location after owning the property for 30 years. The new location is across the street from the the Williamson Street Grocery Coop; the Fire Station, Star Liquor & The Weary Traveler.
Lots of folks who frequented the shop over the last four years live in the new neighborhood where we will be within walking distance. There is off-street parking close by & plenty of parking on side streets, especially Wilson Street, which runs parallel to Williamson Street. The shop will still feature seating for patrons to knit or crochet while sipping their choice of complimentary organic coffees.
Off The Beaten Path is involved in four distinct activities:
Service: OTBP specializes in yarns made from natural fibers like alpaca, bamboo, cotton, corn, linen, rayon, silk, soy, wool and blends thereof. Special care has been taken to provide yarns that have been proven and will stand up to the test of time. Yardage is an especially important factor and has been taken into consideration in the purchase of all but a few specialty yarns. The owner and staff believe in expanding knitter horizons by helping them to increase their skill and confidence levels through classes and informal instruction; but most of all, through exposing them to the widest possible variety of yarns, fibers, techniques and designs.
Prior to opening, OTBP participated with Monona Meadows and Tellurian in Project Hands to provide knit and crocheted essential items for 150 homeless children. These families were identified and selected to receive much-needed support services from Tellurian in the Dane County area. Monona Meadows residents received instruction and support in knitting or crocheting from the Shop staff. The project held its kickoff raffle announcing the presence of Project Hands in the fall of 2005. The winner received an afghan created by combining the squares created by Monona Meadows participants. Since opening, OTBP has donated many items for silent auctions: Dane County Advocates for Battered Women; Monona Grove High School Show Choir; various Knit-ins; Madison Knitting Guild and Wexford Ridge's Community Fundraiser. In addition, free classes have been provided for after-school programs at Cherokee Middle School. Knitting is offered free to individuals on a first come, first serve baisis. Classes can be arranged for groups or just one. Additional classes are available once folks are up and knitting! The "classroom" is available for Groups to reserve a two-hour time for knitting and solving world problems! Community is about loving what you do, with others; and, having the opportunity to make the most of it.
OTBP is dedicated to carrying companies and providing products that give back to the local and global community. Alpaca wool, cotton and silk yarns are offered by Frog Tree, a 100% volunteer-run fair-trade organization donating 100% of its profits to scholarships for low income students and/or grants for grassroots educational groups. Through Community Links, LLC , it runs international volunteer, service-learning, academic and cultural programs in the Americas. OTBP supports local Wisconsin farmers by offering Alpaca yarn spun and milled by local vendors. OTBP is dedicated to finding and supporting products, companies and artists involved in positive activities which contribute to the betterment of our local and global communities.
It has been demonstrated that knitting and crocheting are calming, relaxing and very often therapeutic activities. As a generation retires it removes isolation. It becomes more important than ever to know that the activities one is involved in as a hobby or in retirement are beneficial not only to the participant, but also to the community at large. Many a life situation has been examined and resolved in these wonderful community groups amidst the clicking of needles. New younger knitters are reporting similar benefits; plus bringing thier incredible pizzaz and creativity to every interaction, making kniting and crocheting together a truly wonderful adventure! They'll try anything once (and make it better). OTBP's youngest staff member is 19 and has been knitting for seven years. There is so much to say, to be continued...
OFF THE BEATEN PATH was the original idea of Karen Baier, Gary Baier & Connie Murphy; and, is now the dream child of many. The company was officially incorporated on April 1, 2005 as an LLC. It has become home to us all. Keep in touch!
H a p p y K n i t t i n g !
