Needles & Knobs
Needles & Knobs
7213 Central Ave
St Petersburg FL 33710
Phone: (727) 345-5662
Fax: (727) 345-5660

Store Hours:
Mon-Wed 10am-5pm
Thu 10am-9pm
Fri 10am-4pm
Sat 9am-3pm
Sun Call first
* Open Knit Thu from 7pm-9pm

Offering name brands in an array of colors and fibers. We invite you to stop by and feel these wonderful yarns and perhaps sit down and knit for a while on your current project or maybe even start a new one!

We carry knitting and crocheting accessories: Patterns, needles, hooks, books, magazines and buttons as well as a selection of original items crafted by local artists and offered for sale in our showroom.

Our philosophy is simple. If we don't have the yarn in the color you want, we will order it from the manufacturer as long as it is available. We do not want you to settle on a color you do not want to use simply because it's what we have in the store.
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