Mendocino Yarn Shop
Mendocino Yarn Shop
45050 Albion Street
Mendocino, CA 95460
707-937-0921 Phone
888-530-1400 Toll Free

Open 7 Days/Week
10:30AM-5:00PM Monday-Wednesday
10:30AM-7:00PM Thursday
10:30AM-5:00PM Friday
10:00AM-5:00PM Saturday
11:00AM-4:00PM Sunday

Located in the heart of Mendocino Village, we've now moved one an even nicer place, with more space for classes! Come and enjoy paradise with stitch at a time. - Annelle

Always helpful, Annelle, Karen, Lenora, and Rosanna bring you the finest yarns from around the world and the Mendocino Coast.

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