Heritage Spinning & Weaving
Heritage Spinning & Weaving
47 East Flint in downtown
Lake Orion, Michigan, 48362 USA

Phone (248) 693-3690

Shop Hours:

Monday, Tuesday, & Friday:
10 am to 5 pm
Wednesday & Thursday:
10 am to 7 pm
10 am to 4 pm
12 pm to 4 pm

Thank you for visiting the Heritage Spinning & Weaving web site. We hope it gives you a flavor for what we are all about. People that visit our "brick and mortar" store call us "the friendly yarn store." We take that as a big compliment and hope our web site reflects our shop's atmosphere.

Through the store we hope to encourage new crafters in these age-old arts and provide a resource for established spinners, weavers, and knitters.

This is YOUR store. If there's something you need that you don't see -- ask! Have a question you need answered? We'll do our best to help you find the answer.

We are not set up for you to order products on-line, but we encourage email orders and inquiries. Step inside for a great listing of classes, information about knitting, spinning, and weaving, and resources we create for you.
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