Laurel Murphy
1010 Brooklandwood Rd
Lutherville MD 21093-3701
This is the hardest page to compose. Handknitting.com is now our "baby" so we want everything to be perfect, right?
First, the basic information. We are John and Laurel Murphy, and we bought this business from Nancy at the end of the 2006 year. Since then we have been working as hard as we can to keep up to Nancy's high standards.
For those of you outside the immediate area, we are just north of Baltimore Maryland, about halfway between Philadelphia and Washington DC. We are in the Eastern US time zone.
Please email us at Laurel@handknitting.com, or John@handknitting.com . We welcome your questions and comments, and will try to answer all your emails personally with a return email or a phone call if you include your phone number. We even welcome your complaints--after all we aren't in business to make our customers mad, and if you have problems with the merchandise we want to know about it. Please, though, try to keep your observations on topic. We are just people like you.
We prefer not to list our phone number on the internet, for a number of reasons. But if you prefer, you can send us your phone in an email and we will call you back (our nickel too!).
Copyright © 2010 www.handknitting.com. All Rights Reserved.
