Gloria's Happy Hooker
Gloria's Happy Hooker
2733 Ashmun
Sault Ste Marie MI 49783
Phone: (906) 635-9937

Store Hours:
Tue-Sat 9am-5pm
Mon-Sat 9am-5pm
Thu 9am-6pm

Take a moment to browse through "Our Shop". As you browse you'll find a variety of supplies for the quilter and knitter.

We offer various classes in quilting from hand and machine piecing to hand and machine quilting, as well as hand and machine applique. Beginning classes in quilting and knitting are also offered.

Special orders are welcome and we are always happy to answer your questions. Remember, there is no dumb question.

So sit back and browse through "Our Shop" as well as our Newsletter. We hope you enjoy our site.

©2009 Gloria's Happy Hooker
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