Fine Yarns At Kimbeeba
Fine Yarns At Kimbeeba
207 Budleigh St
Manteo NC 27954-27954
Phone: (252) 473-6330

Sun-Mon 12pm-5pm
Tue-Wed 10am-6pm
Thu-Fri 10am-8pm
Sat 10am-6pm

Stitch & Bitch:
Thu-Fri 6pm-8pm
* Bring a project and share or learn something new. Want to learn how to knit or crochet? Come on in, it's free!

A creative interlude on your fiber journey... Yarn, Fiber Arts Gallery, Studios, and Classes

Knitting, Crochet, Needle Felting, Spinning, Weaving Studio, Fiber Arts Gallery and Dyeing Studio

Lots of Books, Magazines, and Samples
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