Fiber Wild
Fiber Wild
304 S. Main Street
Galena, IL 61036
815-777-3550 Phone
888-848-KNIT Toll Free
Store Hours
Open Daily 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Closed Tuesday
How in the world ... did I end up in a yarn store in Galena you ask? Well, back around 1996, my husband and I were living in suburban Chicago, and visited Sean's parents outside of Galena. We fell in love with the rolling hills and historic small town, and eventually purchased a "farm", where we started spending as many weekends as possible. We had always talked about "moving
to the farm one day", and "getting out of the concrete jungle". So after 15 years as a Facilities Engineer at a manufacturing plant, and Sean's exhaustion from traveling internationally, we decided to make the "big move".
Sean set out to look for opportunities in Galena, to either buy a business or start something, when I called him and suggested we open a yarn store. I believe his first question was "what's a yarn store?" I simply explained that it was one of those stores that I would drag him into, and he would immediately decide there was nothing for him, turn around and look for a tavern. Well, long story short, I have been knitting for 19 years, and with the support from my mother Sarabel, and big sisters Anne and Jane, all of whom are addicted knitters, Sean and I opened FiberWild! just before Memorial Day weekend in May of 2004.
"In business with your husband?" you ask, What? ... am I crazy? Sean and I have figured out how to use our strengths and stay out of each others way (most of time). Sean likes to say he "knows everything about knitting, except how to knit". He takes care of the marketing, website, accounting, helps out on busy Saturday afternoons, and takes the trash out on Monday nights. I focus on helping our customers, teaching classes, ordering the fun stuff, making unique patterns and knitting samples.
Scout, our "helper" in the store, he has become a big part of our yarn store community.
The future of FiberWild! is simple ... I am 'gonna keep on working with our customers to help them with their projects, Sean is running the online store, and we will be expanding our handmade finished goods and locally made products!
See you soon or give me a call! ... Amy
All Site Content and Original Design © 2004-2010 FiberWild! LLC. All Rights Reserved.
