Expressions Gallery Knit Nook
Expressions Gallery Knit Nook
1920 9th Sve. SE
Watertown SD 57201
Phone: (605)-886-9251
My name is Mary Neill and I live on Bainbridge Island in the state of Washington. I've been a knitter for 21 years and love it completely. I learned to knit at the age of 5 by my Grandmother during the Seattle Worlds Fair. Picked it back up again at the age of 26 when my Mother was sick with cancer; taught to me again by my neighbor. I took a beginning knitting class and then the store closed. My neighbor had moved away and I remember that feeling of NOW WHAT! I had so much left to learn.....and I'm still learning. Yarn shops are important. This site is dedicated in support of our local yarn shops. I hope to help them with this website stay open and prosper.
My family (husband and two boys) have always been very supportive of my knitting. This idea was actually Chris' (#1 son) idea. My husband Wes helped me financially get it off the ground, and my other son Kevan (#2 son) put my database together on his summer off from college. It truly is a family affair.
©2009 America's Knitting
