Embraceable Ewe Yarn Shop
Embraceable Ewe Yarn Shop
213 Main St
Hamburg NY 14075
Phone/Fax: (716) 646-6674
If youve never visited the Embraceable EWE Yarn Shop, let me give you a little background on myself and my colorful cast of characters. My name is Erin Kosich. My husband Tony and I opened our shop in 1999 in a teeny-tiny 300 square foot shoebox of a space in the village of Orchard Park (so small that if you wanted to take a class, you had to bring your own folding chair!) We were living around the corner in a teeny-tiny shoebox of an apartment (so small that if you wanted to visit us, you had to bring your own folding chair!) My family and friends were very skeptical... Yarn shop?? Why would you want to open a yarn shop? Does anyone even knit anymore? Won't half of your customers be dead within the next 5 years? Behind our backs they were placing bets as to how long we would last.
Well the business really clicked! By the summer of 2001, we had completely outgrown our old shop space (and our apartment). Tony and I bought an old Victorian house on Main Street in the village of Hamburg. We moved the shop into the downstairs and ourselves into the upstairs. Our daughter Sophie joined us a year later! Sophie is now five and our latest addition, Emmett, is a happy part of our little crew! As for the rest of our skeptical family...
We have a carriage house behind the shop. My mother-in-law, Barb, now lives in the upstairs, and my grandmother, Helen, lives in the downstairs. They both knit, of course. My other grandmother, Genevieve, along with my mother, Chris, and my cousin Kelly help me run the Tuesday night help sessions at the shop, so they knit too, of course. My Dad does not knit, but he can be found, on occasion, running the register. And he's become quite good at the ball winder. Tony does not knit either, but that's because he's too busy chasing Sophie and Emmett, or busy as his alter ego... Mr Fixit!
So, when customers come into the shop and say that it feels like home and that everyone feels like family, its because it is and they are!!! And it might be because of the warm and fuzzy yarns, but we are a pretty warm and fuzzy bunch, and when you leave the shop, you just cant help feeling warm and fuzzy yourself, and thats what we hope for!
So welcome to our knitting family. We hope youll stay awhile, have a cookie, listen to a round of gossip, oh yeah, and knit a bit too!
The Embraceable EWE specializes in yarns, patterns, classes and special events that are unique from those you are likely to find at your local big box craft store. We also try to offer enough variety in our supplies and activities to appeal to a wide-range of crafters, both beginners and experts, those on a tight budget and those wanting to SPLURGE! Our friendly, knowledgeable staff is here to help you pick out your perfect project and here to help you through any snarls and snags you may encounter along the way!
