Annie & Co Needlepoint & Knitting
Annie & Co Needlepoint & Knitting
1325 Madison Ave
NY, NY 10128
NEEDLEPOINT: Phone Toll Free 888-806-7200, 212-360-7266 Fax 212-360-0417
KNITTING: Phone Toll Free 877-289-5648, 212-289-2944 Fax 212-289-2941
Mon-Fri 11am-6pm
Sat 11am-5pm
Sun 12nn-5pm
We are a full service needlework store located on two levels of a lovely brownstone on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. The ground level is a full-service knitting store, while the second level specializes in needlepoint and cross stitch.
There is no other place in the city where you can find both needlepoint and knitting under one roof!
Annie & Co. prides itself in its incredible and extensive selection of all things needlepoint and knitting. We carry unique hand painted canvases, kits, accessories, beads, threads, books, needles, notions, hooks, charts and more yarn than you can imagine... Additionally, we offer exceptional finishing services for both knitting and needlepoint. And the most important part? Our staff is knowledgeable AND friendly.
We want you to enjoy needlepoint or knitting as much as we do! Stop by our store and enjoy stitching and/or knitting your project in a warm and friendly environment.
Give us a call if you have any questions and don't forget to check out our online store!
Call us toll free: (Needlepoint) 1-888-806-7200 or (Knitting) 1-877-289-5648
