Yes Yarn
Yes Yarn
3014 North Main St
Anderson SC 29621
Phone: (864) 222-8244

Yes yarn opened in Anderson, SC on July 28, 2007. The shop is located at 3014 North Main Street, Anderson in the lower level of the Sullivan Square shopping center, beneath Papa John's pizza, across the street from Goodwill. Our hours are Wednesday - Friday, 10am - 5:30pm and Saturday, 10am - 4pm (closed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday).

This is owner Margaret Nieman's first business venture. Born from her love of knitting and desire to carry on her Mom's love of crocheting, yes yarn is becoming a destination for yarnies in Upstate South Carolina and northern Georgia.

Fine quality yarn can be found in abundance at yes yarn. You will also find the equipment and encouragement to begin and/or finish your knitting and crochet projects. Classes and gatherings are ongoing throughout the year.

©2010, yes yarn
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