4113 NW 13th St.
Gainesville, FL 32609


Store Hours: Mon,Tue,Thur, Fri - 10am to 6pm

Wed - 2pm to 6pm

Sat - 10am to 4pm

We are a full service yarn and needlework shop dedicated to providing you with the finest knitting yarn, crochet threads and needlepoint products available. Here you can find yarns by Plymouth, Berroco, Debby Bliss, Trendsetter, Jo Sharp, Reynolds, Noro, Tahki, Skacel, Crystal Palace, Rio de la Plata, Malabrigo, Muench, Jade Sapphire, Tilli Tomas and others. We also carry many specialty alpaca companies. If you want to try Opera crochet threads from Coats, DMC Cebelia, DMC Senso or some variegated threads from Germany, give us a call or send an email. We carry the complete line of Crystal Palace bamboo needles, whatever you need in Addi Turbos and our newest favorite - Addi Lace needles. Of course we have all the Susan Bates needles and accessories.

We have been in Gainesville (the home of the University of Florida) for 21 years and in the yarn business for 37 years. Visit us when you are in the area. We offer classes in knitting, crochet, needlepoint and occasionally needle tatting, and needle felting. We have great sock classes using 4 needles and 1 or 2 needles. You can also try a fairisle knitted bag.

The knitting guild meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm and the 3rd Wednesday at 2:30pm. We have fun, learn from each other and it costs nothing. Do come and try it out.

If you want to do charity knitting , we meet every Monday at the store at 1:30 p.m. We work on projects to be donated to local groups as well as others. Join us for a great time. You are most welcome.

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