Lorette's Craft Shop
Lorette's Craft Shop
338 Goebel Street
Berlin, New Hampshire
(603) 752-2293

Welcome to Lorette's Craft Shop webpage. We are located at 338 Goebel Street in Berlin, New Hampshire & our phone number is . We feature many more items than shown here, so call or stop by to see our selection. Our hours are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10 to 4.

* Pattern Books
* Miniatures
* Wilton cake decorations
* Anchor floss
* Knitting needles
* Crochet hooks
* Plastic canvas
* Macrame cord
* Metallic cord
* Ribbons
* Beads (wood, faceted, seed, pearls, pony, glass, cartwheels & tribeads)
* Silk flowers
* Metal rings
* Dolls & doll parts
* Straw hats etc.
* Sugar & cream yarn
* Phentex 3-ply yarn
* Paton's 4-ply yarn & baby yarn
* Styrofoam
* Kits
* Chair frames & much much more
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