Judith Lester Designs
Judith Lester Designs
602 Orient St
San Angelo TX 76903
Phone: (325) 659-2000

Shop Hours:
Tue 11-8
Wed-Fri 11-6
Sat 11-4
& by appointment

Welcome to Judith Lester Designs Wool 'N' Cotton Shop - It's ALL Good

How blessed I am to be able to do what I love~and love what I do! I currently own Wool ‘N’ Cotton Shop in Historic Old Town San Angelo, Texas, just steps away from the beautiful Concho River and the Museum of Fine Arts. From my back door I can see Fort Concho. Farmers’ Market is also just a few steps away.

How astonished I was when I became published just one year after I retired from teaching! My first four books are co-authored with two friends, and my first solo book, Stitchin’ for the Kitchen, was published shortly after I moved to San Angelo.

Currently I work and play at my shop, a warm and welcoming gathering place. Visitors are greeted out front by Miss Wool Gatherings, who grazes and graces on the Paseo. Inside, we offer quilt shop quality fabrics, notions and supplies, books and patterns, fibers for knitting and crochet, felted and over-dyed wool for applique and rug hooking, and beautiful threads for needlework.

Join us to do whatever you love to do~and do what you love :o)

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