Broad Ripple Knits
Broad Ripple Knits
6367 Guilford Ave
Indianapolis IN 46220
Phone: 317-255-0540

MWF 11-6
TTh 11-7
Sat 11-5

Sunshine and Cotton!

Beautiful colors of pimas and cotton and linen blends are spilling out of the shevles. Come and see all the beautiful summer yarns and patterns.

We have several new classes that are starting this Spring.

A felting class the Wobbly Circles Tote is fun and a great way to try or polish your Intarsia skills.

We also have an Amigurumi knit class. We have the knitted vegetables and creatures to see. So come and see them.

We are also having a Tank Blitz class that Lucinda is teaching. It’s a one day, get past the hard part so I can wear it, class.

LACE – We are going to have a knit along with some beautiful Handmaiden Sea Silk. Come in and pick out your colors ahead of time. You have 2 weeks to come in before the order goes in. The knit along will start at the beginning of June, just about the time the yarn will be ready!! You can do either a Wrap or a scarf. We are going to have knit-a-longs every Saturday starting mid May. I think the yarn will be in by Mothers Day. Wouldn’t that be a nice receive or give? Stormwater Shawl/ Scarf.

©2010. Broad Ripple Knits.
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