Bahr Creek Llamas & Fiber Studio
Bahr Creek Llamas & Fiber Studio
N1021 Sauk Trail Road
Cedar Grove, WI 53013
Phone: (920) 668-6417
Fax: (920) 668-6407

Store Hours:
Monday - Friday 12:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Other times available by chance or appointment

Bahr Creek Llamas & Fiber Shop is located just 45 miles north of Milwaukee on I-43 or 15 mi. south. of Sheboygan exit #113 (Cedar Grove) west to Sauk Trail Rd, ¼ mi. north.

Bahr Creek Llamas & Fiber Shop is also the home of Bahr Creek Holsteins. The farm has been in the DeMaster family for five generations. Our interest in llamas started after attending a Holstein convention and meeting a fellow Holstein breeder who was also involved in raising llamas. After reading everything we could about these wonderful animals, we visited several llama farms. Our first four llamas were purchased in 1995

Our breeding goals include show- winning conformation, fine fiber, and gentle dispositions. Stud services, weanlings, bred females, pet and show quality llamas are available for sale.

The Fiber Shop officially opened for business in January of 2001. We are continually adding to our line of yarns, fibers, books, equipment and supplies. Stop back often and check out our new items. Our new building opened September 15, 2002!

Copyright 2005 - Bahr Creek Llamas & Fiber Studio
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